
Get well(ness) after winter

Out of your body, out of the mind...

The calendar tells you that it’s already spring, but the spring fever hasn’t caught up to you yet? Maybe it’s just that you’re still chilled to the bone from the past winter. The many cold and dark months can really put a strain on our bodies and minds. Additionally, some of us may struggle to keep up our good habits and resolutions during the holiday season. Let us explain how you can get back to your old self with a few simple steps at our wellness hotel in Tyrol, Austria.


The logical antidote to the wintery frost is a good portion of heat. It’s unlikely that you’re going to find any more of that than at our saunas. At our rustic wood sauna, you sweat at a respectable temperature of about 90 °C. And if you prefer to defrost more gently, then we recommend our samarium (60 °C). A trip to the sauna is beneficial for the cardiovascular and immune system, helps to relieve muscle tension, lowers blood pressure, and even has beneficial effects on the mind. Definitely a highlight that you shouldn’t miss in our spa hotel in Tyrol!

Sea breeze

Are you already looking forward to your next beach vacation? It may still be a little bit too fresh for that, but in our brine grotto, you can taste the sea air even hundreds of miles away from the beach. The salt in the air imitates the climatic conditions on the coast and can help with numerous ailments. Salt therapy (also called halotherapy) has been seen to mitigate conditions such as hay fever and other allergies, cardiovascular and skin problems. But even if you don’t suffer from any of these, the thought of being at the beach will certainly lift your mood and make you feel sunnier.


Spring is the time to declutter. This goes for our surroundings as well as for our bodies. Our spa hotel in Austria offers massages and other treatments that are tailored to your specific needs. In spring, we specifically recommend our special treatments: a detox treatment will help to rejuvenate body and mind, the Lomi Lomi Nui massage makes your mind travel to the South Seas and the Healing Stone treatments combines the powers of volcanic stones and mountain arnica to get you out of the winter rut.


At our wellness hotel in Tyrol, we are all about your fitness. This is because we believe that to be well, you should also strive to be active. You can take the first (or next) steps towards this goal at our modern and well-equipped fitness room. There, you can work on your fitness when you don’t feel like relaxing. This way, you combat spring lethargy, stay faithful to your New Year’s resolutions and arrive fit into summer, when you will be more active outdoors. And if all this movement has made you hungry, we have good news for you…


A vacation at our spa hotel in Tyrol, Austria is also a treat for your palate. But not only that: our lovingly prepared creations will do good to your body and mind alike and allow indulgences without regrets. How we do it? Simply by using fresh and regional ingredients when possible, and by adding everything needed to our dishes, and nothing that’s unnecessary. What a strike of luck that the nature around us always knows what we need in each season. We just have to harvest and leave it to our cooks to do all the magic – the warm season can come!


Would you like to experience all these highlights yourself? Then visit our wellness hotel in Austria, in Kirchberg in Tyrol. Send us an unbinding enquiry or directly book our vacation with us!

Aaaand off goes the cold – and you to your holiday.

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